Raeisi: ‌ Double acceleration in the process of vaccination of different occupational groups is necessary

Young journalists club

News ID: 53555
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 20:14 - 23 September 2021
Thursday, 22 September 2021 (YJC)_ At the meeting of the specialized committees of the National Anti-Corona Headquarters, the President appreciated the measures taken to provide vaccines and vaccinations, and emphasized the need to redouble the process of vaccination of various occupational groups.

Raeisi: ‌ Double acceleration in the process of vaccination of different occupational groups is necessaryHojatoleslam Raeisi, on Thursday, after receiving the report of the specialized committees of the National Anti-Corona Headquarters on the measures taken in the field of vaccination and disease control in the country, said:
Strengthening the process of outpatient treatment and public education to follow health instructions and issue timely and necessary warnings, has a great impact on disease control.

The President emphasized:
It is necessary for the citizens of all countries to monitor the strict implementation of health protocols and law enforcement and to pay attention to the observance of health issues at all entry points of the country.

In this meeting, suggestions for reducing restrictions and replacing smart restrictions instead of holidays for different occupational groups were presented and it was decided that these suggestions will be considered in the meeting of the National Headquarters against Corona.

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