Polish Government Officially Admits ‘With Sadness’ That Warsaw Cannot Stop Nord Stream 2

Young journalists club

News ID: 52412
Publish Date: 22:43 - 28 July 2021
Wednesday,28 July 2021 (YJC)_ The Polish government has formally acknowledged that the Nord Stream 2 issue is “decided” and that there is no longer any way to stop the project.

Polish Government Officially Admits ‘With Sadness’ That Warsaw Cannot Stop Nord Stream 2The Polish government has formally acknowledged that the Nord Stream 2 issue is “decided” and that there is no longer any way to stop the project.

“At this time, it must be admitted with sadness that this question is already decided, if we are talking about the completion of the thread [of the pipeline],” government spokesman Piotr Muller said, speaking to Polish Radio on Wednesday.

Accusing Germany of “once again” breaking the “principle of energy solidarity” with Europe, Muller noted that “unfortunately, an attempt to block [the pipeline] without European solidarity is extremely difficult.”

As Washington’s foremost ally in Eastern Europe, Warsaw has spent years leading an intra-European effort to try to stop Nord Stream 2 from being built. But despite two rounds of US sanctions, multiple legal measures within the European Union, and lobbying to import US LNG instead of Russian gas, the Nord Stream 2 is on track to being completed.

Last week, US and German officials agreed to bring a formal end the transatlantic dispute over Nord Stream 2. As part of the deal, the US promised to suspend sanctions against the project, and Germany committed itself to invest in Ukrainian energy and to use all available means to facilitate the extension of the gas transit agreement between Kiev and Moscow for up to ten years. The current agreement expires in 2024. Berlin is also required to press for sanctions against Russia if Moscow uses energy as a ‘weapon’ against European countries.

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