The Secretary General of Nujaba: The “pinpoint weapons” are armed

Young journalists club

News ID: 48308
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 20:17 - 27 September 2020
Sunday, 27 September 2020 (YJC)_Al-Kaabi asked all the political parties of Iraq to position against the U.S embassy military activities in Baghdad and insisted that if all stay silent, the Resistance has its own exclusive position; especially that the “pinpoint weapons” are now operational.

The Secretary General of Nujaba: The “pinpoint weapons” are armedAccording to the report of Nujaba Communication and Media Affairs Center in Iran, the secretary general of Islamic Resistance of Nujaba, in his twitter account wrote: still awaiting for official positioning of all political parties toward the military base which has violated the sovereignty of Iraq.
Sheikh “Akram al-Kaabi” added: the military base that the U.S has put in middle of Baghdad and calls that the embassy, is working toward spreading chaos and sabotage in Iraq.
At the end of his statement he warned: if all stay silent, the Resistance has its own exclusive position; especially that the “pinpoint weapons” are now operational.
It is worth mentioning that the secretary general of Nujaba on the Saturday evening released a comprehensive statement, stated that the U.S embassy and her staff in Iraq functioning contrary to the diplomatic norms and is perusing military-intelligence activities with a destructive approach.

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