US, Israel source of all acts of evil in world: Yemen’s Ansarullah leader

Young journalists club

News ID: 48173
Asia » Asia
Publish Date: 9:08 - 22 September 2020
Tuesday, 22 September 2020 _The leader of Yemen’s Houthi Ansarullah movement has censured the United States and Israel over their fiendish policies and conspiracies against world nations, saying Washington and Tel Aviv are the main source of all evil acts across the globe.

US, Israel source of all acts of evil in world: Yemen’s Ansarullah leader“The policies of the US and Israel have only caused crises and wars across the world. We (the Yemeni people) are confronting the sources of evil and aggression in order to secure peace in our country,” Abdul-Malik al-Houthi said in a televised speech broadcast live from the Yemeni capital of Sana’a on Monday afternoon.

He highlighted that Washington has been seeking to sow seeds of discord within the Yemeni nation, and to create sectarian rift in the country.

Houthi said that US statesmen had set their sights on Yemen long before the September 21 Revolution – the 2014 popular uprising that toppled the Saudi-backed Hadi’s government -- as the Arab country enjoys a fairly strategic location and has large reserves of natural resources.

“Enemy plots have deprived Yemeni people of revenues of the country’s natural resources. The previous government [of former president, Abd Rabbuh Mansur Hadi] collaborated with the US in order to plunder Yemen's resources,” the Ansarullah chief further pointed out.

"The US pursued colonial policies during the previous Yemeni government," he said, adding, previous US Ambassador to Yemen Matthew H. Tueller used to meddle in the work of all Yemeni state institutions and ministries.

Houthi noted that the September 21 Revolution was deeply rooted in the Yemeni people’s demand for reforms and change and said, “After the revolution, the US realized that Yemen is not an easy prey, and is never akin to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to be exploited to the fullest."

The Ansarullah chief underlined that Saudi Arabia and its allies have miserably failed to force Yemeni people into abandoning their revolutionary spirit after more than four years of devastating military campaign and crippling siege.

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