Judge Faisal Makki took the decision against Riad Salameh on Monday, ordering the repossession of some property and assets owned by him, including his residence in the upscale suburban area of Rabieh just north of the capital Beirut, official National News Agency reported.
The freezing order came after some lawyers and activists lodged a lawsuit against Salameh for “crimes of undermining the financial status of the state and urging the public to withdraw funds deposited in banks and sell state bonds, in addition to job negligence and embezzlement.”
Judge Faisal Makki took the decision against Riad Salameh on Monday, ordering the repossession of some property and assets owned by him, including his residence in the upscale suburban area of Rabieh just north of the capital Beirut, official National News Agency reported.
The freezing order came after some lawyers and activists lodged a lawsuit against Salameh for “crimes of undermining the financial status of the state and urging the public to withdraw funds deposited in banks and sell state bonds, in addition to job negligence and embezzlement.”