London mayor tells UK PM to stand up to ‘far-right poster boy’ Trump

Young journalists club

News ID: 40361
Publish Date: 20:06 - 04 June 2019
TEHRAN, Jun 4 - London Mayor Sadiq Khan has called for a tougher government position against US President Donald Trump and his “playground” behavior as he stays in the UK for a three-day visit.

London mayor tells UK PM to stand up to ‘far-right poster boy’ TrumpTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -“I’m hoping that Theresa May stands up for our country and does say boo to a goose,” Khan said on Tuesday.

The comments came after Trump called Khan, a senior Labour Party lawmaker who has run London since 2016, as a “stone cold loser” over his alleged failure to tackle rising rates of crime in the city.

Trump’s insulting tweet, which was posted just as he arrived in the UK on Monday, came after Khan criticized the American president for his divisive policies.

Khan said on Tuesday that Trump was acting like children and there was a need for the British government to challenge his ideas on women and minorities.

“And it should be a source of concern to us that Donald Trump is the poster boy for the far-right movement around the world and actually some of the things that he has done as president are deeply objectionable, far more objectionable than silly tweets he might send,” said Khan.

Khan was among the main figures boycotting a dinner hosted by the Queen for Trump. Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn and parliament speaker John Bercow also decided not to attend the event in Buckingham Palace on Monday.

“What shouldn’t happen is a state banquet and a state visit with the red carpet rolled out. I think it’s inappropriate. I think those visits should be reserved for leaders who have done something and deserve that," he said. 

Protests against Trump’s visit to the UK culminated in a massive demonstration on Tuesday in London where senior politicians like Corbyn addressed the crowd.
Source: Press TV
uk ، trump ، mayor
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