Britain should impose its conditions on EU: Italy’s Salvini

Young journalists club

News ID: 26666
Publish Date: 22:24 - 29 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 29 - Italian Interior Minister Matteo Salvini, a far-right politician known for his eurosceptic views, has called on Britain to impose its conditions on the European Union as it seeks to leave the bloc, saying otherwise it would be the EU which could come out having “swindled” the United Kingdom.

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Salvini, a former member of the European Parliament, told the Sunday Times that the EU wanted to punish Britain for seeking to leave the bloc, adding that London should have not trust in Brussels.

“My experience in the European parliament tells me you either impose yourself or they swindle you,” he said, adding, “There is no objectivity or good faith from the European side.”

Salvini have been at odds with the EU over how the bloc should deal with a protracted refugee crisis. He has ordered a closure of the Italian ports, saying the EU should force other members to accept their share of the refuge flow.

He and the populist Italian government have also expressed their willingness for a British-style exit from the EU, saying Italy would be better off while out of the bloc.

“I hope the negotiations end well for the UK to serve as an example of the people coming out on top of the EU,” said Salvini, adding, “I remember the referendum stage as an example of participation and freedom; I hope it can be an opportunity for the British.”

The comments comes amid increasing uncertainty over how Britain would leave the EU in March and whether it would come out with a binding agreement or negotiations would fail, leaving Britain with a no-deal Brexit.

Brussels chief negotiator Michel Barnier has rejected key proposals of a final plan submitted by British Prime Minister Theresa May, saying, for instance, that a dual system of taxes enforced on either side of the border between EU member Ireland and the UK province of Northern Ireland will simply not work.

Barnier has also dismissed May’s proposal for one-on-one talks between Britain and other EU member states, an idea endorsed by Salvini, who told the Sunday Times that Rome would welcome such negotiations.

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