‘Oil threats’ against Iran can be easily countered: IRGC commander

Young journalists club

News ID: 26540
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 17:05 - 26 July 2018
TEHRAN, July 26 - Commander of the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) Major General Mohammad Ali Jafari shrugged off recent threats by the US administration to cut Iran’s oil exports to zero by November, saying such threats can be easily countered.

‘Oil threats’ against Iran can be easily countered: IRGC commanderTEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Speaking at a ceremony held in Tehran on Wednesday to deliver 10 Sukhoi Su-22 fighter jets overhauled and upgraded by domestic experts at the IRGC Aerospace Force, Major General Jafari praised recent military achievements of the IRGC, including the upgrade of the fighter jets.

“If the adventurous president of the US hears about the IRGC’s capabilities today, which have been achieved through endeavors and will of the young revolutionary experts…, he will never make such a damn mistake (threatening Iran) and will realize that responding to an oil threat would be easy (for Iran),” the commander stated.

Elsewhere in his speech, the top commander hailed President Hassan Rouhani’s recent remarks on US threats against the Islamic Republic as “revolutionary”.

On Sunday, Rouhani warned his US counterpart not to play with the lion’s tail after Donald Trump’s push to halt Iran’s export of oil, saying a war with Iran would be “the mother of wars” and that control over the Strait of Hormuz is only one of Iran’s advantages.

An individual with even a basic knowledge of politics would never talk about a halt to Iranian oil exports, Rouhani said.

He also stressed that Iran has been a guarantor of security in the region’s maritime routes, saying the Strait of Hormuz is only one of the straits that Iran has control over.

“Mr. Trump! Do not play with the lion’s tail, (because) you’ll regret it. You are unable to provoke the Iranian nation against Iran’s security and interests,” Rouhani underlined.

During a recent visit to Austria, Rouhani pledged that Tehran will stand firm against the US threat to halt Iranian oil shipments, saying no other country in the region could export oil if Iran is to be deprived of oil exports.

A number of top Iranian military officials supported the idea afterwards, saying Iran has the ability to shut down the Strait of Hormuz if necessary.

On Saturday, Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei praised Rouhani’s firm response to the US threat to halt Iran’s oil exports, saying his significant stances that signify the Establishment’s policy must be seriously pursued by the Foreign Ministry.

Source: Tasnim

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