Quranic origins to ‘Down with USA’: Prominent clergy

Young journalists club

News ID: 2549
Publish Date: 9:25 - 02 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Historian cleric has severely blasted attempts to abandon anti-US slogans on the grounds that the slogans come from Quranic origins.

Director of the Historical Research Foundation and Encyclopedia of the Islamic Revolution Hamid Rouhani in his speech prior to the Friday sermon strongly criticized the private nuclear talks and said "These folks think of people as strangers. In their sinister, poisonous writings they say that foreign policy must be collected from the streets.”

"This means that it must be taken out of people’s hands, because if they are to know about the matter, they will not allow deals to be struck behind the curtains; so people must be seen as strangers and turned off the scene,” the clergy exclaimed.

He further said "Today we hear rumors that the Iran-5+1 talks must be kept away from people. As if people are strangers. The Zionist regime and others have to know about it while the Iranian nation cannot, why is that? Because the people of Iran are strangers. That is their way of keeping people in the dark.”

Strongly criticizing attempts to abandon the Down with USA slogan, Rouhani said "The enemy is trying to separate the government from the nation and implement his schemes amid the incongruity.”

 He pointed to Imam Khomeini’s saying that "Down with USA is a kind of worshipping,” and added "This chant comes from the Quran. It is the very conspicuous verse of the Quran that says ‘He who has been oppressed has the right to raise his voice in hatred.’”

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