‘US withdrawal from nuclear deal not to have tangible impact on Iran’s economy’

Young journalists club

News ID: 22628
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:05 - 08 May 2018
TEHRAN, May 8 - Governor of Central Bank of Iran Valiollah Seif said US withdrawal from Iran’s 2015 nuclear deal with P5+1 countries would not have a tangible impact on Iran’s economy.

‘US withdrawal from nuclear deal not to have tangible impact on Iran’s economy’TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) – “The main reason behind taking new decisions on currency (by Iran) is to protect Iran’s economy from smear campaigns launched by enemies and specifically the US.”

“Given our arrangements, the US decision no matter what it will be, will not make any problem for our economy which is moving in an already-planned course.”

He said Iran’s new decisions about currency would control Iran’s entire currency under an appropriate structure to allocate currency for priorities.

He said sufficient amount of currency has been considered for basic goods, raw material of factories and families’ needs, adding US position to nuclear deal would not bring a tangible impact on Iran’s economy.

US President Donald Trump faced a May 12 deadline to decide whether to reinstate anti-Iran sanctions, which were lifted under the JCPOA. He had said the US would pull out of the deal unless the European parties agree to fix what he has claimed “flaws” in the agreement until that day.



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