UK complicit in Saudi Arabia’s ‘holocaust’ on Yemen

Young journalists club

News ID: 20278
Publish Date: 11:41 - 08 March 2018
TEHRAN, March 8 -An activist believes the red-carpet treatment Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been given on his three-day visit to London indicates that the British government is complicit in Saudi Arabia’s “holocaust” on Yemen.

UK complicit in Saudi Arabia’s ‘holocaust’ on YemenTEHRAN,Young Journalists Club (YJC)-An activist believes the red-carpet treatment Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has been given on his three-day visit to London indicates that the British government is complicit in Saudi Arabia’s “holocaust” on Yemen.

“Unfortunately I am not surprised by the treatment he got.

I applaud and I salute those people who came out today to protest and anyone who has been protesting against this war criminal because a time will come, not too long where [Prime Minister] Theresa May and [Foreign Secretary] Boris Johnson and all of these people who have been promoting and supporting bin Salman and the Zionists in their genocide on Yemen, their holocaust on Yemen, will be taken to a court like the one in Nuremberg and they will be put behind bars for eternity,” Shabbir Hassanally told Press TV in an interview on Thursday.

Saudi Arabia and its allies launched the war on Yemen in March 2015 to reinstall its former Riyadh-allied government. The military aggression has so far killed over 13,600 Yemenis.

The war is being led by bin Salman, also Saudi Arabia’s defense minister, with the help of the US and the UK.

source:Press TV

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