Larijani: The naïve think international problems will solve easily

Young journalists club

News ID: 1598
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 12:39 - 09 July 2013
Tehran, YJC. Majlis Speaker says that it is a crude idea to think that the country’s international problems will be solved overnight.

Speaking in an educational conference on Monday, Ali Larijani said "Those who think that the country’s problems in the international arena can be easily solved are too optimistic and green. Our enemies are insidious creatures who will not resolve the matter that easily,” Mehr News Agency reports.

Head of the Legislative branch said "If we are integrated from inside and our economy grows, on the international scene they will let go of adventurism. But if there is disagreement inside and we are economically poor, the enemies will think that they could pressure us more.”

Larijani asserted "At the present time, populist moves have lost their power. People rather look for democracy and this shows the public logical development.”

He added "The isolation of the Zionist regime shows the logical development of nations. States have done nothing, it was the nations who drove the regime to isolation. Of course there are outwardly revolutionary acts in some countries such as Syria and Egypt, but is there any such movement against the Zionist regime as well? Some extreme groups are aided by intelligence services from some countries. But on the other side, political activities have grown throughout the world and we must say that behind-the-scene powers cannot do much anymore, because, especially in the Islamic world, people have quitted the mechanical mood and grown more political.”

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