Tehran, YJC. Senior adviser of Iran parliament speaker says that if Morsi had listened to the Supreme Leader’s guidelines he would not have been overthrown.

Speaker’s Consultant in International Affairs Hossein Sheikholeslam pointing to
Morsi’s mistakes in managing the affairs of Egypt said "The Revolution Leader
stated guidelines in his Friday sermons for Morsi to succeed. If Morsi had
listened to him, he would not have lost his government.”
said in an interview with Tasnim "What happened in Egypt was because the
Western countries, and especially the Israeli and American do not tolerate
democracy in the region, because they know that democracy is against them.”
He added
"Americans do not tolerate democracy because naturally a government shaped on
democracy must gratify people’s demands and the people of the region are
entirely against the US and Israel. Therefore the US and Israel prefer that an
anti-party or dictatorial government is formed in these countries which will
rely on foreign power.”