Archaeologist criticizes announcement on pyramid void ‘discovery’

Young journalists club

News ID: 15273
Publish Date: 12:37 - 05 November 2017
TEHRAN, November 5 -An Egyptian archaeologist overseeing a project to scan a pyramid for voids has criticized the announcement earlier of a discovery of a passenger plane-sized cavity in the Great Pyramid.

Archaeologist criticizes announcement on pyramid void ‘discovery’TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) -An Egyptian archaeologist overseeing a project to scan a pyramid for voids has criticized the announcement earlier of a discovery of a passenger plane-sized cavity in the Great Pyramid.

Scientists with the ScanPyramids project revealed on Thursday that the void discovered with subatomic particle scans was the first major structure found inside the pyramid since the 19th century.

It is thought to be at least 30m long and located above the "Grand Gallery" - a sloped corridor almost 50m long and nine meters high which links Khufu's burial chamber at the pyramid's center to a tunnel leading outside.

The findings were published by the science journal Nature.

But Zahi Hawass, who heads the ScanPyramids science committee overseeing the project, said on Saturday that there was no new "discovery."

He said he had met other scientists from ScanPyramids who "showed us their conclusions and we informed them this is not a discovery," he said.

"The pyramid is full of voids and that does not mean there is a secret chamber or a new discovery," he said.

"The project has to proceed in a scientific way that follows the steps of scientific research and its discussion before publication," he added.

The monument - 139m high today and 230m wide - was erected as a tomb for Khufu, also known as Cheops. To this day, nobody knows quite how it was built.

The void, said co-author Kunihiro Morishima from Nagoya University in Japan, "was not known by anyone until now, from when the pyramid was built 4,500 years ago.

"The big void is completely closed," he added, which means anything inside it would not have been "touched by anyone after the pyramid (was) built."

The pharaohs of ancient Egypt built these monumental tombs for themselves, complete with sarcophagus to hold their embalmed mummies, and stocked with everything they could require for the afterlife, including food, clothing, and jewelry.

Source: AFP


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