Iran to take homemade Tanks and LAVs to Russia’s 2018 International Army Games

Young journalists club

News ID: 12085
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 10:10 - 16 August 2017
TEHRAN, August 16 - Iran plans to participate in 2018 Army Games with its own homemade armament.

Image result for Iranian tanks

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - General Ali Akbar Pour Jamshidian, Deputy Commander of IRGC Ground Forces at the welcoming ceremony of IRGC Ground Force teams said “Military problems are very complicated and require all sorts of capabilities. The units that participate in the International Army Games must have high mental and physical strength.”

He continued: “It’s been a few years since Russia has come up with their innovative tournament consisting of competitions from various military fields which we have had the honour of participating in for the second time.”

The Deputy Commander said “Iran shined superbly in the competition, winning third place in artillery and airborne and fourth place in LAVs (Light Armored Vehicle) among global contestants.”

Pointing out Iran’s exceptionally good result in LAVs he proudly said: “IRGC's armored squadron performed excellently and this is a great honour”. He also added that Iranian people will be hearing even greater news on IRGC’s accomplishments, especially from the ground forces in future International competitions.

Pour Jamshidian further stressed: “Given the army’s future planning proposed by the Commander of the IRGC Ground Force and the corresponding authorities, we will definitely appear more forceful in next year’s competitions and we will get better results”.

When asked if the army would take its Tanks and LAVs to the world competitions he replied: “Provided we meet the conditions to transport our tanks and LAVs to Russia, we shall participate in the Army Games with our own homemade armamnet”. 

In response to a reporter asking how the triumphant contestants would be rewarded he said: “All ground force units who won a title will be awarded a trip to Mashhad with their family, on the army”.













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