Tags - muslims

Young journalists club

Tags - muslims
TEHRAN, August 30- A government crackdown in Myanmar has forced nearly 19,000 members of Myanmar’s minority Rohingya Muslim community to flee to neighboring Bangladesh in less than a week.
News ID: 12565    Publish Date : 2017/08/30

TEHRAN, August 30 - Muslim residents in a city in northwestern England have received letters containing threats of acid attacks, amid the rising rate of hate crimes in the United Kingdom, particularly after terrorist attacks in London and Manchester.
News ID: 12546    Publish Date : 2017/08/30

TEHRAN, August 29 - Iran raised concerns over military crackdown against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar.
News ID: 12532    Publish Date : 2017/08/29

TEHRAN, Young Journalists Club (YJC) - Thousands of panic-stricken Rohingya Muslims have fled a fresh tide of violence in Rakhine, with Myanmar’s leader and an armed group involved in clashes with government forces in the troubled state trading accusations of fueling the turmoil.
News ID: 12500    Publish Date : 2017/08/28

TEHRAN, August 26, YJC - The Hira cave, located near the holy city of Mecca, is where Prophet Muhammad received his first revelation and was chosen as the last messenger of God.
News ID: 12428    Publish Date : 2017/08/26

TEHRAN, August 25 - Myanmar said at least 31 people have been killed in attacks on police posts in the western state of Rakhine.
News ID: 12392    Publish Date : 2017/08/25

TEHRAN, July 14, YJC - A US official in the state of Michigan has refused to apologize for his Islamophobic social media posts that sparked outrage among the American Muslim community.
News ID: 11128    Publish Date : 2017/07/14

TEHRAN, July 12, YJC - A Human Rights Watch representative criticized Myanmar for refusing to give visas to a UN team probing abuse of Rohingya Muslims, saying the refusal amounts to “a slap in the face” of victims.
News ID: 11088    Publish Date : 2017/07/12

TEHRAN, July 11, YJC - Thousands of people have gathered in the Bosnian town of Srebrenica to pay respect to Muslim victims of the 1995 massacre, during which thousands of men and boys were killed by Serbian forces.
News ID: 11046    Publish Date : 2017/07/11

TEHRAN, June 30, YJC - Hundreds of people have descended upon Union Square in New York City to protest against President Donald Trump's travel ban that came into effect Thursday.
News ID: 10800    Publish Date : 2017/06/30

TEHRAN, June 29, YJC - Several American and foreign organizations have criticized the US Supreme Court’s decision allowing parts of President Donald Trump’s travel ban to go into effect. They are urging institutions like the US Congress to take action to stop the implementation of this discriminatory act against Muslims.
News ID: 10775    Publish Date : 2017/06/29

TEHRAN, June 27, YJC - A Dutch appeals court has ruled that the state was partly responsible for the deaths of some 350 Bosnian Muslim men in the 1995 Srebrenica genocide.
News ID: 10742    Publish Date : 2017/06/27

TEHRAN, June 27, YJC - Muslims across the world have celebrated Eid al-Fitr after the holy fasting month of Ramadan.
News ID: 10738    Publish Date : 2017/06/27

TEHRAN, June 26, YJC - A rally held by the UK’s far-right Islamphobes has been countered by hundreds of protesters in the Scottish capital of Edinburgh.
News ID: 10715    Publish Date : 2017/06/26

TEHRAN, June 13, YJC - Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif has criticized the United States for marginalizing mature Muslim groups, saying this complicity is to blame for the recruitment of Wahhabi extremist.
News ID: 10399    Publish Date : 2017/06/13

TEHRAN, May 30, YJC - The UN Human Rights Council has named a three-person team to probe atrocities against Myanmar's persecuted Rohingya Muslims in Rakhine state.
News ID: 10082    Publish Date : 2017/05/30

TEHRAN, May 30, YJC - The enhancement of racist attacks to Muslims are rooted in Islamophobia.
News ID: 10063    Publish Date : 2017/05/30

TEHRAN, May 25, YJC - British Muslims paid tribute to victims of Manchester attack along with other British citizens
News ID: 9929    Publish Date : 2017/05/25

TEHRAN, May 16, YJC - Federal judges have pressed a lawyer for US President Donald Trump whether his travel ban discriminates against Muslims, focusing on Trump’s campaign promise of a “total and complete shutdown” of Muslims.
News ID: 9662    Publish Date : 2017/05/16

TEHRAN, May 2, YJC - In total, an estimated 25.000 roses were handed out in the Netherlands alone, while international campaign called ‘Hello, We Are Muslims’ executed in multiple countries on the same day.
News ID: 9344    Publish Date : 2017/05/02