Iran-China joint naval drills to enhance regional security

Young journalists club

News ID: 5141
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:53 - 23 September 2014
Tehran, YJC. MP says the upcoming maritime exercises will show of Iran’s naval power against extra-regional coalitions.

MP Baqer Hosseini who was speaking in interview with ICANA pointed to the joint naval drill by Iran and China and said "No doubt, holding such exercises will help regional peace and stability.”

Iran and China are going to hold a series of naval drills which will start on Wednesday.

The Zabol and Zahak representative to the Majlis stated "Having in mind the military coalitions across the region and the globe in general, it is necessary for Iran and China to hold a series of drills, because it can convey a lot to extra-regional and Western countries.”

Iran’s coalition with countries such as China and Russia relate to all economic, political, and military spheres and they will further the progress of these countries toward their objectives.

Hosseini noted that holding such exercises will not only convey military knowhow among the participating parties, it will show off Iran’s military power in strategic waters.

In these exercises Iran will use some of its latest domestically-made water craft.

naval ، drill ، iran ، china
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