Great powers try to hinder Iran’s progress

Young journalists club

News ID: 4372
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 15:56 - 10 June 2014
Tehran, YJC. IRGC second in command says global powers are spending lots of resources to prevent Iran’s progress.

Brigadier General Hossein Salami who was speaking at a meeting in Kermanshah on Tuesday said "The Supreme Leader is carrying the flag of the Islamic revolution against sophisticated schemes by politically powerful entities of the world.”

"All nations act on their self-made identity,” he exclaimed, adding "The enemies of Islam try to weaken the identity map of Muslim nations, depriving them of the chance to enjoy independent thought, economy, and culture.”

The IRGC Second in Command asserted "The resistance of the Iranian nation carried out under the flag of the Supreme Leader is to show that the era of colonization is over and that Muslims have found themselves.”

He then said "If we had not resisted, no arrangement of world powers such as the Six Majors would have formed. Today great powers put a lot of their managerial energy into actions to prevent Iran’s progress.”

"The enemy is retreating and the constellation of resistance is approaching daybreak,” he said.

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