West trying to establish American/non-American dichotomy

Young journalists club

News ID: 3980
Publish Date: 8:13 - 22 April 2014
Tehran, YJC. IRGC Second in Command says West “plans to make non-American Americans.”

IRGC Second in Command Hossein Salami said on Monday "Today we are exposed to a great invasion by the West on women’s values. Disregard for the hijab and for prayers as well as electronic addiction are the salient points on the West’s agenda against the Islamic Revolution, the Islamic state, and the Muslim woman, where it introduces its own code of conduct and lifestyle under the rubric of the globalization of culture and thought.”

Salami added "The West is pursuing the ruination of the family. It seeks to turn the family into a discrete society, a hotel; and for the children not to be raised in the family, but to connect their minds to the internet and be educated by it so that they will acquire their worldview, behavior, clothes, culture, words, personal education and convictions from there.”

The IRGC Second in Command further stated "The universal consumption pattern means the globalization of economy; it means for our consumption pattern and lifestyle to be westernized so that we will have to consume the product made by them, following which the world will turn into a producer-consumer bipolar where we will be the consumer and they the producer.”

He added "Westerners will also like all to have the same information simultaneously where all information is formed according the Western media so that they may exhibit what they like and deny the rest of the news.”

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