The Security Council of the UN is expected to adopt a resolution Thursday authorizing the deployment to Central African Republic in September of about 12,000 peacekeepers, diplomats say.

The resolution will be submitted by France and will see a force initially comprising up to 10,000 military personnel and 1,800 police deploy to a country where thousands have been killed since sectarian violence broke out a year ago, triggering fears of genocide.
The resolution authorizes soldiers from France -- Central African Republic is a former French colony -- to "use all necessary means" to provide support to the United Nations Multidimensional Integrated Stabilization Mission in the Central African Republic (MINUSCA).
Priorities for the new peacekeeping force include the protection of civilians and humanitarian convoys, maintaining order, supporting the political transition and respect for human rights.
It will take over from 2,000 French and 6,000 African Union soldiers already in place.