Diplomat calls on West to block road to presidency for Ukraine's

Young journalists club

News ID: 3654
Publish Date: 12:55 - 09 March 2014
Western powers must close the road to presidency for Ukraine's leading neo-Nazi Dmytro Yarosh, the Russian Foreign Ministry's special envoy for democracy and supremacy of law, Konstantin Dolgov has written in Twitter.
"The de facto authorities in Kiev and their Western patrons should block the road to state power for the neo-Nazi Yarosh and his adepts," he says.
Yarosh stands at head of the radical far-right Pravy Sektor (Right Sector) paramilitary movement, which according to the Time Magazine "has amassed a lethal arsenal of weapons."
Dmytgro Ysarosh and his assistants have more than once stated in public their willingness to engage in combat operations against 'the Russian Empire'.

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