Ali Khomeini hopeful about days with no military option on table

Young journalists club

News ID: 3316
Publish Date: 13:14 - 27 January 2014
Tehran, YJC. Former UN Secretary General has met ayatollah Khomeini’s grandson in Tehran.

Kofi Anan who is leading The Elders delegation to Iran met ayatollah Khomeini’s grandson Ali.

In this meeting Khomeini stated "The entire policies of the Islamic Republic system rest upon the views of Imam Khomeini. If we would like to put the whole of his social thought in a nutshell it would boil down to trying to avoid suppressing and being suppressed in social relations.”

"Rulers must act in a way to avoid suppressing. People as well must not get used to suppression. If these two tenets are realized around the world and are pursued by all freedom-seekers, the problems of the present day will be raised and we are sure to have a better world,” he asserted.

"It would be worth it if we worked together toward peace, an attempt made by all peace-lovers but unfortunately with little success,” Ali Khomeini stated.

Pointing to the late Nelson Mandela’s endeavors to actualize peace and freedom, he hoped that the world sees better days of peace when "there is no military option on any table.”
ali ، khomeini ، kofi ، anan ، Elders ، peace ، freedom
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