Sixty-percent enrichment on parliament’s table

Young journalists club

News ID: 3015
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 14:50 - 19 December 2013
Tehran, YJC. Bahonar says the Majlis is considering a bill to order the government to 60-percent uranium enrichment.

"In the Majlis we are preparing a bill to take enrichment to 60 percent,” stated Second Deputy of the Majlis Mohammadreza Bahonar in a meeting with the academics of Bonab, East Azarbaijan, on Wednesday, Fars news agency reports.

Bahonar maintained that Obama and John Kerry’s recent statements in contempt of the Geneva agreement have been made under Zionist pressure and as a response to the US Senate.

"I deem it so that in the end the US will keep its commitments,” he asserted.

The lawmaker further said "Despite national inflation our purchasing power is the thirtieth among the world’s countries, outdoing even some European countries.”

He also said that inflation and unemployment are among the most basic problems of the country and stated "It will be no exaggeration to say that there are one or two unemployed in each family right now.”

"It would be utter unfairness to relate more than 30 percent of the inflation to the sanctions. Rather some of it is due to lack of reasoning and boldness,” he maintained.

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