Larijani says Iran-West talks on right track

Young journalists club

News ID: 2602
Iran » Iran
Publish Date: 11:28 - 06 November 2013
Tehran, YJC. Speaker says the Iranian parliament will support ways to solve the nuclear case.

The Speaker of the Majlis of Iran Ali Larijani and the Chairman of Kazakh Parliament’s Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security, Maulen Ashimbayev met in Tehran on Tuesday.

Larijani pointed to the Iranian nuclear case and said "The Iran-5+1 talks have fallen on the right track. The Majlis endorses the prevalent vibe to solve the case.”

He also pointed to the role of Kazakhstan in the Iranian nuclear negotiations and added "The Islamic Republic of Iran and Kazakhstan can also expand their cooperation in different fields such as the Caspian Sea legal system and security, fighting terrorism and the smuggling of illegal drugs.”

The Chairman of Kazakh Parliament’s Committee on International Affairs, Defense and Security, Maulen Ashimbayev in turn provided comments on his meetings with other Iranian officials during his visit to Tehran and regarded the Islamic Republic of Iran as a powerful country and a good friend to Kazakhstan.

He further asserted that boosting cooperation with Iran in all areas is highly important to Kazakhstan.

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