Tehran, YJC. Talebzadeh says Iranian officials’ frequent smiles to the US worry him.

filmmaker and director of the canceled to-be conference The New Horizon
providing comments on the reasons for the cancellation of the conference criticized
the Iranian executive power and said "It is regrettable that our friends in the
government try to smile to the US and Western policies in order to receive
benefits. The smiles are repeated so often these days that I am beginning to
worry about my friends.”
to engineering students of Tehran University on Monday, Nader Talebzadeh said "After
September 11, a wave of awakening started forth in the US, and public criticism
began to emerge on US media. The event also created a big wave of awareness
among various US elite strata. The New Horizon conference was the only
way we could tap American and Western anti-war thinkers; since these people are
not permitted to express themselves and Iran is the only place where they can
express their views on the state of the world and the role of media in
silencing people.”
He further
said that some governmental organizations such as the Ministry of Culture have
started a wave of silence on the awakening, adding "In the previous
administration we decided to tap the existing potential and hold two
conferences by cooperation with the Ministry of Culture, one The New Horizon
and the other Hollywoodism. Unfortunately today they stretched a wall
before this conference which rises ever higher; whereas inviting US anti-war elite
to Iran is a potential which Iran has created; and our statesmen can find that
out with the least intelligence.”
He exclaimed
"It is not right to stop such a conference with such considerable effects while
having barely arrived,” adding "The guests we invited to the conference are
influential people and know better than us to say that the sanctions are wrong.”
He asserted
"All the alibis against the conference indicate irrationality, one that has
been going on for a while despite all the thinkers who want to bring
rationality to the US to see why they threaten and impose sanctions on Iran.”
further said "The Iranian plead against Hollywood films was one of the
important topics to be covered in the conference. We took a lawyer who is an
outstanding person in the West. They would call him devil’s advocate because he
was against Zionism. Some of our cinema officials would also use the title
which is quite strange.”